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Ti2 AlNb 合金薄板热处理过程中O相析出行为
Precipitation Behavior of O-Phase in Ti2 AlNb Alloy Sheets During Heat Treatment
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- 作者:
- 周亦奇1,唐 斌1,张智鑫2,3,邵启航1,陈晓飞1
ZHOUYiqi1, TANG Bin1, ZAHNG Zhixin2,3, SHAO Qihang1, CHEN Xiaofei1
- 作者单位:
- 1. 西北工业大学凝固技术国家重点实验室,陕西西安710072;2.宝钛集团有限公司,陕西宝鸡721014;3.西安宝钛新 材料科技有限公司,陕西西安710018
1. State KeyLaboratoryofSolidificationProcessing, NorthwesternPolytechnicalUniversity,Xi'an710072,China;2. Baoti Group Co.,Ltd.,Baoji721014,China;3.Xi'anBaotiNewMaterialTechnologyCo.,Ltd.,Xi'an710018,China
- 关键词:
- Ti2 AlNb 合金;包套轧制;微观组织;变体选择
Ti2 AlNb alloy; clad rolling; microstructure; variant selection
- 摘要:
- Ti2 AlNb 合金可以长时间在650~750℃条件下工作,具有高比强度、良好的室温断裂韧性和良好的抗蠕变 性等,被认为是最具应用潜力的高温轻质金属材料。 为研究在不同热处理制度下O相形核和长大过程,探索显微组织演化规 律和O相变体选择行为,采用包套轧制工艺作为加工方法,轧制材料名义成分为Ti-22Al-24Nb-0.5Mo(原子分数,%)。通 过轧制得到厚度为1mm的Ti2 AlNb合金板材。 对轧制后板材进行固溶时效处理后,O相大量析出;随着时效温度的提 高,O相板条越来越粗大,同时O相析出量先增加后减少,在930℃时O相析出体积分数达到最高,为52%。 在该热处 理制度下O相形核析出方式既有界面不稳定形核也有感生形核,但是O相在晶界附近的形核析出方式更多倾向于感生 形核,界面不稳定形核得到的O相数量上较少。 轧板在1000℃固溶、815℃时效以及920℃固溶、800℃时效这两种热处理 之后,得到的组织均为双态组织,轧制后的固溶时效过程基本没有对O相变体的析出造成影响。Ti2 AlNb alloys can operate for extended periods at temperatures between 650 and 750 ℃, offering high specific strength, excellent room-temperature fracture toughness, and good creep resistance. These properties make Ti2 AlNb alloys one of the most promising lightweight metallic materials for high-temperature applications. The alloy sheets, with a final thickness of 1 mm, were produced via a clad rolling process, employing a nominal composition of Ti-22Al-24Nb-0.5Mo (at.%) as the rolling material. After the rolled sheets were subjected to solution aging treatment, a significant amount of O-phase precipitated. As the aging temperature increases, the O-phase lamellae grow coarser, and the amount of precipitated O-phase initially increases but then decreases. At 930 ℃, the volume fraction of the precipitated O-phase reaches its maximum value of 52%. Under this heat treatment regime, the nucleation mechanisms for O-phase precipitation include both interfacial instability nucleation and induced nucleation. However, near grain boundaries, the O-phase tends to nucleate and precipitate predominantly through induced nucleation, with fewer O-phase particles forming through interfacial instability nucleation. Following solution treatment at 1 000 ℃ and aging at 815 ℃, as well as solution treatment at 920 ℃ and aging at 800 ℃, the resulting microstructures are bimodal. The solution aging process after rolling has little effect on the precipitation of O-phase variants.