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21-4N 气阀钢平衡凝固相变与析出行为研究
Equilibrium Solidification Phase Transition and Precipitation Behavior in 21-4N Exhaust Valve Steel
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- DOI:
- 作者:
- 王英虎1,2
- 作者单位:
- 1. 攀钢集团研究院有限公司,四川攀枝花617000;2.海洋装备用金属材料及其应用国家重点试验室,辽宁鞍山 114009
1. Pangang Group Research Institute Co., Ltd., Panzhihua 617000, China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Marine Equipment Made of Metal Materials and Application, Anshan 114009, China)
- 关键词:
- 21-4N 气阀钢;析出行为;凝固模式;相变;Thermo-calc 软件
21-4N exhaust valve steel; precipitation behavior; solidification mode; phase transformation; Thermo-calc software
- 摘要:
- 借助Thermo-calc 软件,对 21-4N 气阀钢所属的 Fe-(20~23)Cr-(8~11)Mn-(3~6)Ni-(0.3~0.6)N-(0.3~0.7)C
(0~0.4)Si 多元体系凝固过程中的相变和析出行为进行了研究。采用Thermo-calc中的TCFE9数据库对该体系的垂直截
果表明,21-4N 钢由 1 500 ℃平衡冷却至 650℃的过程中完整平衡相变路径为:L→L+δ→L+γ+δ→L+γ→L+M7
N+δ。 凝固过程中,δ 铁素体相是否产生取决于体系中N、C、Ni 与 Cr 含量,N、C
N的析出。With the help of thermo-calc software, the phase transition and precipitation behavior of Fe- (20~23)Cr-(8~11) Mn-(3~6)Ni-(0.3~0.6)N-(0.3~0.7)C-(0~0.4)Si multi-component system of 21-4N valve steel was studied. TCFE9 database in thermo-calc was used to calculate the vertical section of the system, and the influence of different components on phase transition and precipitation during equilibrium solidification and cooling was analyzed. The precipitation path of phase transition of 21-4N steel was obtained. The results show that the complete equilibrium phase transition path of 21-4N steel during the process of equilibrium cooling from 1 500℃ to 650℃ is as follows: L→L+δ→L+γ+δ→L+γ→L+M7 C3 → γ+M23 C6 →γ+M23 C6 +Cr2 N→γ+M23 C6 +Cr2 N+δ. During solidification, the generation of delta ferrite phase depends on the content of N, C, Ni and Cr in the system. The ferrite phase stabilization zone can be reduced by increasing the content of N, C and Ni, while the ferrite phase stabilization zone can be increased by increasing the content of Cr. The precipitation of M7 C3 phase mainly depends on the content of C in the system. Increasing the content of C and Cr can promote the precipitation of M23 C6 , while Cr can also promote the precipitation of σ phase. N can inhibit the precipitation of M23 C6 and promote the precipitation of Cr2 N.