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H400 和NM400低合金钢耐磨性能研究
Study on Wear Resistance of H400 and NM400 Low Alloy Steel
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- 作者:
- 韩 嫔1,张绪平2,林 波2
HANPin1, ZHANGXuping2, LIN Bo2
- 作者单位:
- 1. 徐工集团铲运机械事业部技术中心,江苏徐州221000;2.中国矿业大学材料科学与工程学院,江苏徐州221116
1. Technical Center of Scraper Machinery Division, XCMG, Xuzhou 221000, China; 2. School of Materials Science and Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China
- 关键词:
- 低合金耐磨钢;滑动磨损形貌;冲击磨损形貌;金相组织
low alloy wear-resisting steel; sliding wear morphology; impact wear morphology; microstructure
- 摘要:
- 通过滑动磨损与冲击磨损试验,研究H400和NM400两种低合金耐磨钢的耐磨性,结合冲击试验机、扫描 电子显微镜和金相显微镜等实验仪器,分析两种材料的磨损形貌、冲击韧度和金相组织。 结果表明,H400和NM400表 面组织均为马氏体,但NM400板条状马氏体较多;在滑动磨损试验条件下,NM400磨损失重较低,表现出较好的耐磨 性。冲击磨损试验条件下,NM400和H400失重量相差不大,二者具有几乎相同的耐磨性。无论是H400还是NM400,在 滑动磨损试验条件下,失重量均是冲击磨损试验条件下的2~3倍。The wear resistance of H400 and NM400 low alloy steels were studied through sliding wear and impact wear tests. The wear morphology, impact toughness and metallographic microstructure of the two materials were analyzed by means of impact testing machine, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and metallographic microscope. The results show that the surface microstructure of H400 and NM400 is martensite, but NM400 has more strip martensite. Under the condition of sliding wear test, NM400 has low wear weight loss and better wear resistance. Under the impact wear test condition, the weight loss of NM400 and H400 is not much different, and they have almost the same wear resistance. Both H400 and NM400 lost 2~3 times as much weight under sliding wear test as under impact wear test.