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Numerical Simulation and Accurate Defect Control of Planetary Carrier Casting Molding
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- 作者:
- 陈 烜 1 ,徐 哲 2 ,刘 琨 1 ,蒋 崴 2 ,薛 雨 1 ,付 珂 2 ,赵永柱 2 ,吕复强 2 ,陈 正 2
CHEN Xuan1 , XU Zhe2 , LIU Kun1 , JIANG Wei2 , XUE Yu1 , FU Ke2 , ZHAO Yongzhu2 , LYU Fuqiang2 , CHEN Zheng2
- 作者单位:
- 1. 常熟天地煤机装备有限公司,江苏 常熟 215500;2. 中国矿业大学 材料与物理学院,江苏 徐州 221008
1. Changshu Tiandi Coal Mining Equipment Co., Ltd., Changshu 215500, China; 2. School of Materials Science and Physics, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221008, China
- 关键词:
- ProCAST;行星架;数值模拟;铸造缺陷
ProCAST; planetary carrier; numerical simulation; casting defects
- 摘要:
- 行星架是采煤机齿轮传动系统中承受转矩、动载的关键传动件,使用中常多发裂纹缺陷而导致报废。 基于 此,针对采煤机齿轮传动用行星架的铸造工艺方案,利用 ProCAST 软件研究行星架铸件在充型和凝固过程中的温度场、速度场、凝固固相率及缩松缩孔分布等模拟结果,对铸造方案进行了优化。 结果表明,添加明冒口和冷铁后,行星架的缩松缩孔等缺陷得到了有效控制,行星架侧板部分缺陷减少 57%以上,柱状部分缺陷完全避免,有效指导了煤机齿轮传动用行星架缩松类缺陷的防治,进而从根本上解决多发裂纹的问题。The planetary carrier is the key transmission component that bears torque and dynamic load in the gear transmission system of the shearer. In recent years, it has often been scrapped due to multiple cracks, which are directly related to casting defects. Based on this, a reasonable casting process plan is proposed for the planetary carrier used for the gear transmission of the shearer. Using ProCAST software, the simulation results of the temperature field, velocity field, solidification solid rate and shrinkage cavity distribution of planetary carrier casting during mold filling and solidification were studied, and the casting scheme was optimized according to the simulation results. The results show that after the addition of open risers and cold iron, the shrinkage porosity and other defects of the planet carrier are effectively controlled, the partial defects of the side plate of the planet carrier are reduced by more than 57%, and cylindrical defects are completely avoided. The casting simulation effectively guides the prevention and treatment of shrinkage porosity defects of planetary carriers used for coal engine gear transmission and fundamentally solves the problem of multiple cracks.