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Study of the Hot Compression Deformation Behavior of Cu-Ni-Si Alloy with a High Solute Content
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- 作者:
- 于 倩1,2,3,彭丽军1,2,曹祎程1,2,刘 峰4,罗 毅4,洪松柏4
YU Qian1,2,3, PENG Lijun1,2, CAO Yicheng1,2, LIU Feng4, LUO Yi4, HONG Songbai4
- 作者单位:
- 1.中国有研科技集团有限公司 有色金属材料制备加工国家重点实验室,北京 100088; 2. 有研工程技术研究院有限公司,北京 101407; 3. 北京有色金属研究总院,北京 100088; 4. 宁波兴业盛泰集团有限公司,浙江 宁波 315336
1. State Key Laboratory of Nonferrous Metals and Processes, GRINM Group Co., Ltd., Beijing 100088, China; 2. GRIMAT Engineering Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing 101407, China; 3. General Research Institute for Nonferrous Metals, Beijing 100088, China; 4. NingBo Xingye Shengtai Group Co., Ltd., Ningbo 315336, China
- 关键词:
- Cu-Ni-Si合金;热压缩;本构方程;热加工图;显微组织
Cu-Ni-Si alloy; hot deformation; constitutive equation; hot processing map; microstructure
- 摘要:
电连接器用铜合金为目前5G通讯、新能源汽车等领域的重要材料,Cu-Ni-Si系合金因其优异的力学电学性能、良好的抗应力松弛性能成为该研究背景下广泛应用的材料。目前尚缺乏热变形制度对该合金显微组织影响机理的研究。本文研究了变形温度在600~950 ℃、应变速率在0.01~10.00 s-1条件下的高溶质含量Cu-Ni-Si合金铸锭的热变形行为,发现在高应变速率下,硬化和软化在变形过程中交替占据主导地位,流变应力呈“波浪形”变化。建立了合金的热变形本构方程和热加工图,获得了高溶质含量Cu-Ni-Si合金的热变形温度为900~950 ℃,探究了不同变形条件下合金热变形过程的软化机制。结果表明,在950 ℃低应变速率时,合金的再结晶主要以晶界弓出形核的不连续动态再结晶为主,而在应变速率较高时,主要发生位错转动合并形成新的大角晶界的连续动态再结晶。
Copper alloys for electrical connectors are important materials for current applications in 5G communications, new energy vehicles, etc. Cu-Ni-Si system alloys are widely used in this research context because of their excellent mechanical and electrical properties and good resistance to stress relaxation. Research on the mechanism of the effect of the thermal deformation regime on the microstructure of Cu-Ni-Si system alloys is lacking. Based on this background, the thermal deformation behavior of Cu-Ni-Si alloy ingots was investigated under deformation temperatures ranging from 600~950 ℃ and strain rates ranging from 0.01~10.00 s-1. The results show that hardening and softening alternately dominate the deformation process at high strain rates, and the flow stress curve shows "wave-shaped" changes. The thermal deformation constitutive equation and processing map of the alloy were established, and the optimum control range of thermal deformation process parameters for Cu-Ni-Si alloys with high solute content was obtained at a deformation temperature of 900 ℃ or above. Moreover, the softening mechanism of the hot deformation process of the alloy under different deformation conditions was investigated by analysing the microstructural evolution of the alloy. At 950 ℃, the low strain rate leads to discontinuous dynamic recrystallization with bowing out of nuclei at grain boundaries, whereas at higher strain rates, continuous dynamic recrystallization mainly occurs with the merging of dislocations rotating to form new large-angle grain boundaries.