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Research on the Morphology Evolution Mechanism of Molten Pool on Inclined Surface in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing
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- 作者:
- 黄如峰,伊 浩,曹华军,杨海欧
HUANG Rufeng ,YI Hao, CAO Huajun , YANG Haiou
- 作者单位:
- 重庆大学 机械与运载工程学院,重庆大学 机械传动国家重点实验室,西北工业大 学 凝固技术国家重点实验室
College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Mechanical Transmissions, Chongqing University, State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, Northwestern Polytechnical University
- 关键词:
- 电弧增材制造;倾斜基面;非对称熔池;熔池行为;演变机制
wire arc additive manufacturing; inclined surface; asymmetric molten pool; molten pool behavior; evolution mechanism
- 摘要:
- 电弧增材制造技术凭借其制造周期短、制造零件无尺寸限制等优点广泛应用于航空航天、武器装备等领域。 而电弧增材制造技术实现复杂金属零件直接成形的基础是沉积过程中堆积焊道的形貌具有均匀稳定的重复再现性。 但电弧增材制造是一个涉及电场、磁场等多物理场耦合的过程,当金属液滴的沉积行为发生在倾斜基面上,熔池在重力诱导下容易发生失稳流淌,造成非对称的焊道形貌,降低零件的成形精度。 基于此,本文采用实验与仿真结合的方法开展电弧增材制造过程中非对称熔池的诱发机理与熔池形貌演变机理研究 , 探究倾斜基面上焊道形貌的成形规律。研究发现, 随着基面倾角的增加, 焊道偏移量逐渐增大 (0 、 0.454 9 、 1.937 4 、 2.331 9 mm) , 熔池深度逐渐减小 (1.935 、1.763 、 1.684 、 1.576 mm) ,成形焊道非对称程度逐渐增加;进一步基于实验及数值仿真的方式研究了沉积过程中非对称熔池形貌的演变规律,揭示了重力诱导下表层金属流体的不对称流动是导致焊道形貌恶化的诱因,为后续非对称焊道形貌抑制方法的研究及三维复杂金属构件的高质量成形提供指导。Wire arc additive manufacturing technology is widely used in aerospace, weapon equipment and other fields due to its advantages of short manufacturing cycle and no size limitation of manufacturing parts. The basis of wire arc additive manufacturing technology to realize the direct forming of complex metal parts is that the morphology of the welding bead has uniform and stable repeatability in the deposition process. However, wire arc additive manufacturing is a process involving multiple physical fields such as electric field and magnetic field coupling. When the deposition behavior of metal droplets occurs on non-horizontal surface, the molten pool is prone to destabilizing flow under gravity induction, resulting in asymmetric weld bead topography, reducing the forming accuracy of parts, and even leading to forming defects. Based on this, the induction mechanism and morphology evolution mechanism of the asymmetric molten pool in the wire arc additive manufacturing process were studied by combining experiments and simulations, and the forming characteristics of the weld bead was explored. It was found that with increasing plate angle, the deflection of the weld pass increased gradually (0, 0.454 9, 1.937 4, 2.331 9 mm), the depth of the molten pool decreased gradually(1.935, 1.763, 1.684, 1.576 mm), and the degree of asymmetry of the formed weld pass increased gradually. In addition, the evolution law of the asymmetric molten pool morphology during the deposition process was studied by means of experiments and numerical simulations, and it was revealed that the asymmetric flow of surface metal fluid induced by gravity is the cause of the deterioration of the weld bead morphology. This study provides useful guidance for the subsequent research on the suppression of asymmetric pass morphology and the high quality forming of three-dimensional complex metal components.