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Effect of Carbon Content on the Microstructure of As-cast Superalloy
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- 作者:
- 刘从庆 赵文学 王帆 张磊 陈进 刘波
LIU Congqing;ZHAO Wenxue;WANG Fan;ZHANG Lei;CHEN Jin;LIU Bo
- 作者单位:
- 重庆水泵厂有限责任公司国家技术中心
National Technology Centre,Chongqing Pump Industry Co.,Ltd.,Chongqing 400030,China
- 关键词:
- 定向凝固高温合金 碳含量 铸态组织 缩松 碳化物
directionally solidified Ni-base superalloys carbon additions as-cast microstructure porosity carbides
- 摘要:
- 为了研究碳含量对一种高温合金铸态组织的影响规律,采用Bridgeman工艺制备了不同碳含量的试验合金。结果表明,随着碳含量由0.05%升高到0.18%,一次和二次枝晶形态均无明显变化;碳含量的升高使γ-γ′共晶含量降低,却使MC型碳化物含量增加。不同碳含量合金中MC型碳化物形貌均为草书体状且与基体存在(001)_γ//(001)TiC和<001>_γ//<001>TiC的取向关系,碳含量增加促进了草书体状碳化物的生长。此外,缩松尺寸和数量随碳含量升高呈现先减小后增大趋势,当碳含量为0.10%时,缩松尺寸最小,数量最少。In order to study the effect of carbon additions on the as-cast microstructure of a superalloy,the sample of the superalloy with different carbon were prepared by Bridgeman technology.The results show that the primary and secondary dendrite arm spacing is not significantly altered with the addition of carbon increase from 0.05%to 0.18%;with carbon addition increased,the volume fraction ofγ-γ′eutectic both decreased,meanwhile the volume fraction of carbides increased;the carbides formed in all alloys appeared script-type morphology and the orientation relationships between the carbides and the matrix were(001)γ//(001)TiCand<001>γ//<001>TiC.Higher carbon content promote the formation cript-type morphology MC.In addition,with the carbon addition increasing,the number and the volume fraction of porosity represent the trend of decreasing first and increasing afterwards.the number and the volume is the least when the carbon content is0.05%.