当前位置:首页 > 过刊浏览->2020年41卷第9期
Source Code Protection Method Based on Industrial Soft PLC
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- 作者:
- 杜银学 杜立强 高灵宝 杜海平 郑栋娥
DU Yinxue;DU Liqiang;GAO Lingbao;DU Haiping;ZHENG Dong′e
- 作者单位:
- 共享智能铸造产业创新中心有限公司
KOCEL Intelligent Casting Industry Innovation Center Co.,Ltd.,Yinchuan 750021,China
- 关键词:
- 关键字检测 XML文本 源码:ST语言 软PLC
keyword detection XML text source code:ST language soft PLC
- 摘要:
- 针对源代码下载存在泄露,逆向工程和篡改方面风险的现状分析,以及这些风险常见的源码保护方法,研究了一种基于软PLC源码是否下载到工控机的检测算法。将ST源码转化为XML文本,提取XML文本各行标记的属性,然后根据关键字查询XML文本中该关键字出现的次数。当关键字出现的次数大于设定的次数后,就会出现提示,同时终止软PLC程序的下载,在关键字检测的基础上还增加了文件大小的检测算法;当文件大于默认的值后,也会将文件中的内容删除,保证了源码的安全性。结果表明,通过基于软PLC源码检测的提出,Coding-Detection库实现了相应的功能,解决了源码下到软PLC程序难题。In view of the status analysis of the risk of leakage,reverse engineering and tampering in source code download,as well as the common source code protection methods for these risks,a detection algorithm based on soft PLC source code downloaded to industrial control computer were studied.Converted the ST source code to XML text,extracted the attributes of each line of XML text markup,and then queried the occurrence times of the keyword in XML text according to the keyword.When the keyword appears more than the number of times set,would appear prompt,at the same time to terminate the soft PLC program download,on the basis of keyword detection also increased the file size detection algorithm;When the file was larger than the default value,it would also delete the contents of the file,ensuring the security of the source code.The results show that through the propose software PLC source code Detection,Coding-Detection library realize the corresponding functions,and solve the source code down to the software PLC program problem.