当前位置:首页 > 过刊浏览->2020年41卷第9期
New Casting Process Pouring into Shell Mold Made from Lost Foam Pattern and under Negative Pressure
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- DOI:
- 作者:
- 刘立中 贾建英 戴申梅
LIU Lizhong;JIA Jiangying;DAI Shenmei
- 作者单位:
- 杭州规矩铸造设备有限公司 河南天聚缘新材料科技有限公司 安徽省机械科学研究所有限责任公司
Hangzhou Regular Casting Equipment Co.,Ltd.,Hangzhou 311400,China;Henan Tianjuyuan New Material Technology Co.,Ltd.,Xinxiang 453000,China;Ahui Research Institute of Mechanical Science,Hefei 230022,China
- 关键词:
- 消失模 焙烧泡沫模 消失模制壳负压浇铸工艺
lost foam casting baking foam pattern pouring shell mold made from lost foam pattern and under negative pressure
- 摘要:
- 论述了一种采用消失模制壳负压浇注的新型铸造工艺,即通过入窑焙烧的方式将泡沫模从型壳中彻底去除,将壳型在砂箱中添加干砂加盖塑料薄膜,然后在负压下浇铸的一种新工艺。以索头铸钢件为例介绍其工艺过程。A new casting process is described.In this process shell mold is made from lost foam,the foam is completely removed by baking in a kiln.The shell mold then is placed in a box and supported by loss dry sand covered with plastic film.Liquid metal is poured into shell mold cavity under negative pressure.Detailed process is explained by cast steel rope clips with this method.