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Oxidation Resistance Properties and Oxidation Kinetics of a High Boron Dual-phase Heat Resistant Steel
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- 作者:
- 任洁 陈祥 李言祥 刘源
REN Jie;CHEN Xiang;LI Yanxiang;LIU Yuan
- 作者单位:
- 清华大学材料学院 先进成形制造教育部重点实验室
School of Materials Science and Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China;Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials Processing Technology,Ministry of Education of China,Beijing 100084,China
- 关键词:
- 高硼钢 双相钢 高温抗氧化性能
high-born steels dual-phase steels high-temperature oxidation resistance property
- 摘要:
- 实验得到了1种抗氧化性能较好的高硼双相耐热钢材,并研究了其氧化层结构与氧化动力学。结果表明,实验所得钢材在750℃下的抗氧化性能达到GB/T 13303-1991《钢的抗氧化性能测试方法》中的1级“完全抗氧化性”标准,其基体为铁素体/奥氏体双相,增强相为硼化物。其氧化动力学曲线在实验前10 h遵循直线规律,10 h后遵循对数规律。
In this study,the high-temperature oxidation resistance properties of high-boron dual-phase steels were studied.The experimental results showed that test steel meets the level of“complete oxidation resistant”according to Chinese National Standard GB/T 13303-1991“steels-determination method of oxidation resistance”.For the 100-hour-oxidation-experiment at 750℃,test steel gradually formed a thin but dense oxide layer,which can prevent the steel from further oxidation.At the beginning 10 hours of the experiment,the oxidation kinetics curve obeys the law of straight line,then the oxidation kinetics curve obeys the logarithmic law.