当前位置:首页 > 过刊浏览->2020年41卷第1期
Research on Casting Technology of a Nodular Cast Iron Piston Skirt
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- 作者:
- 穆彦青 肖恭林 杨志刚 徐小辉 付玉龙
MU Yanqing;XIAO Gonglin;YANG Zhigang;XU Xiaohui;FU Yulong
- 作者单位:
- 中车戚墅堰机车车辆工艺研究所有限公司
CRRC QISHUYAN INSTITUTE Co.,Ltd.,Changzhou 213011,China
- 关键词:
- 球墨铸铁 活塞裙 铸造工艺 CAE分析
nodular cast iron piston skirt casting process CAE analysis
- 摘要:
- 针对一种球墨铸铁活塞裙进行了技术要求及结构分析,并对其熔炼工艺、铸造工艺及模具设计进行了研究,同时基于MAGMA分析软件对其液态成型过程流动场、凝固场进行CAE分析。成功地开发了一种球墨铸铁活塞裙铸造成型工艺。
The technical requirements and structure of a ductile iron piston skirt were analyzed, and the melting process,casting process and mold design were studied. Meanwhile, based on MAGMA analysis software, the flow field and solidification field in the liquid forming process were analyzed by CAE. The results show that a casting process of ductile iron piston skirt has been successfully developed.