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Casting Process and Optimization of Medium to Large Multistage Double Suction Pump Housing
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- 作者:
- 徐继坤 张宇 韩亚斌
XU Jikun;ZHANG Yu;HAN Yabin
- 作者单位:
- 洛阳双瑞特种装备有限公司
Luoyang Sunrui Special Equipment Co.,Ltd.,Luoyang 471000,China
- 关键词:
- 多级双吸泵 铸造工艺 整体砂芯
multistage double suction pump housing casting technology core assembling
- 摘要:
- 针对中大型多级双吸泵体的铸造工艺难点,对生产过程中铸件出现的技术问题进行分析,对原有铸造工艺进行了优化,包括浇注位置、分模方式、砂芯组合、冒口设计、冷铁设计等。结果表明,通过三维建模、虚拟软件模拟和生产验证,产品的各项性能满足客户的设计要求,优化后的铸造工艺能实现中大型多级双吸泵的小批量生产。
The technical problems in production of medium to large multistage double suction pump housing were analyzed and the original casting process,including pouring position,parting method,core make and assembling,riser design and chill arrangement,was optimized.With using 3D solidification simulation and production verification,good castings are produced and meet the customers requirements.Small batch production has achieved successfully.