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Development of Ductile Iron Planetary Carrier Casting for High-power Nuclear Gearbox
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- 作者:
- 崔 宇 1 ,李增利 1 , 2 ,赵竞翔 1 ,李克锐 1 ,李 然 1
CUI Yu 1 , LI Zengli 1,2 , ZHAO Jingxiang 1 , LI Kerui 1 , LI Ran 1
- 作者单位:
- 1. 郑州机械研究所有限公司,河南 郑州 450001;2. 中国机械科学研究总院集团有限公司,北京 100044
1. Zhengzhou Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450001, China; 2. China Academy of Machinery Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd., Beijing 100044, China
- 关键词:
- 行星架;球墨铸铁;铸造工艺;熔炼处理
planetary carrier; ductile iron; casting process; melting treatment
- 摘要:
- 行星架作为齿轮箱的重要结构件,在传动过程中承受的载荷较大,综合性能要求高。 为进一步提高球墨铸铁行星架的强度和塑性,提高行星架的服役寿命,根据大功率核电齿轮箱行星架结构特点和性能要求,设计了合理的铸件成分控制范围,进行了铸造工艺设计和数值模拟分析,并通过严格控制造型、熔炼、球化孕育、浇注和后处理过程,制造了高强度高塑性行星架铸件,对附铸试块进行组织分析及性能检测。结果表明,基体以珠光体为主,球化率 90% 以上,抗拉强度 797 MPa ,屈服强度 444 MPa ,伸长率为 7.0% ,性能满足指标要求。
As an important structural part of the gearbox, the planet carrier bears a large load during the transmission process and requires high comprehensive performance. To further improve the strength and plasticity as well as the service life of the ductile iron planet carrier, according to the structural characteristics and performance requirements of the planet carrier of the high-power nuclear power gearbox, a reasonable control range of the casting composition was designed, and the casting process design and numerical simulation analysis were carried out. Finally, high strength and high plasticity planet carrier castings were manufactured by strictly controlling the molding, melting, spheroidizing treatment, inoculation, pouring and posttreatment processes. The microstructure and tensile properties of the attached cast test block were analysed. The results show that the matrix is mainly pearlite, and the nodularity reaches more than 90%. The tensile strength, yield strength and elongation are 797 MPa, 444 MPa and 7.0%, respectively, meeting the index requirements.