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Cu-Sn 合金上引连铸凝固组织数值模拟
Numerical Simulation of Solidification Structure of Cu-Sn Alloy Upward Continuous Casting
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- 作者:
- 杨庆宝,王兰浩,曾 浩,袁大伟,汪 航,杨 斌
YANG Qingbao, WANG Lanhao, ZENG Hao, YUAN Dawei, WANG Hang, YANG Bin
- 作者单位:
- 江西理工大学 材料冶金化学学部,江西 赣州 341001
Faculty of Materials Metallurgy and Chemistry, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou 341001, China
- 关键词:
- Cu-Sn 合金; 凝固模拟; CA-FE 法; 固 / 液界面; 晶粒组织
Cu-Sn alloy; solidification simulation; CA-FE method; S/L interface; grain structure
- 摘要:
- 分析了直径 8 mm 的 Cu-0.3%Sn 合金铸锭在上引连续铸造过程中的凝固行为。 以微观 - 宏观耦合为基准,
采用 MiLE 法和 CA-FE 法分别模拟了温度场变化及晶粒生长演变过程。 系统地研究不同铸造温度( 1 150 、 1 200 、
1 250 ℃ )及不同铸造速度( 1 、 3 、 5 mm/s )对 Cu-0.3Sn 合金在上引连铸凝固过程中固 / 液界面形状、液穴深度及晶粒的影
响规律。 模拟结果与实验结果一致,并验证了仿真模拟的准确性。
In this paper, the solidification behavior of Cu-0.3wt.%Sn alloy ingot with diameter of 8 mm during upward
continuous casting is analyzed. Based on the microscopic and macroscopic coupling, the mile method and the CA-FE
method are used to simulate the temperature field change and the grain growth evolution process respectively. The
influence law of different casting temperatures (T=1 150, 1200, 1250 ℃) and different casting speeds (v=1, 3, 5 mm/s) on
the shape of the solid/liquid interface, liquid cavity depth and grain morphology have been systematically studied during the
upward continuous casting process. The simulation results are consistent with the experimental results, and verify the
accuracy of the simulation, which provides theoretical guidance for the optimization of alloy casting process.