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Development and Manufacturing Technology of High-End Spun Cast Work Rolls for Hot Strip Mills
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- DOI:
- 作者:
- 张智 杨波
- 作者单位:
- 宝山钢铁股份有限公司中央研究院智能制造研究所
Department of Intelligent Manufacturing, Central Research, Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201900, China
- 关键词:
- 高端板带轧辊;高速钢;集成计算材料技术;计算相图;智能制造;
high-end strip mill roll; high speed steel; integrated computing material engineering; calculation of phase diagram; intelligent manufacturing
- 摘要:
- 以热轧板带离心铸造工作辊产品为代表的高合金材料是铸造工具钢和高合金材质领域应用最广泛、最成熟的大型工业产品之一。我国热轧板带工作辊的研发和制造伴随着钢铁行业的发展突飞猛进,轧辊材质和规格的多样性以及产品可靠性、使用性能和制造能力不断提高。随着新兴技术特别是集成计算材料工程的快速发展和制造业信息化、智能化的变革,离心铸造热轧板带轧辊的开发和生产制造能力得到进一步的提升。本文主要介绍了热轧板带工作辊的发展历史以及市场对新型轧辊的需求,简述了轧辊材质开发和轧辊产品未来发展方向,并且讨论了轧辊制造业发展的趋势。
The Fe-based high alloy material, represented by spun cast work rolls for hot rolled strips, is one of the most
widely used and most mature large-scale industrial products in the tool steel fields in terms of the manufacturing and their
applications. The R&D (research and development) and manufacture of these types of rolls in China have made a leap
forward accompanied along with the rapid development of the Chinese steel industry. The diversity of roll materials and
specifications, as well as product reliability, performance and manufacturing capability have been continuously improved.
The revolutionary development of new material research technologies, such as integrated computing material engineering
(ICME) as, and acceleration of the intelligent development trend of manufacturing, greatly assists the R&D and processing
of roll products. This paper mainly introduces the development history of hot strip mill work rolls and the market demand
for new types of products. The development of roll material and the intelligent manufacturing of the roll products are
briefly described, and the development trends of roll manufacturing industry are also slightly discussed.