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Design and Optimization of Gating System for Low Pressure Die Casting of Automobile Steering Valve Housing
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- DOI:
- 作者:
- 陶健,苏小平,康正阳,周大双
TAO Jian, SU Xiaoping, KANG Zhengyang, ZHOU Dashuang
- 作者单位:
- 南京工业大学 机械与动力工程学院,江苏 南京 211800
School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 211800, China
- 关键词:
- 数值模拟;浇注系统;DOE;信噪比分析
numerical simulation; gating system; DOE; signal to noise ratio analysis
- 摘要:
- 分析转向器阀壳体的结构,根据低压铸造的工艺要求设计了两种浇注系统并对其进行了数值模拟,分析缺
陷产生情况后选择较优方案并进行结构改进。 采用 Taguchi 正交 DOE 方法和信噪比分析,研究充型速度、浇注温度、上
模具预热温度和下模具预热温度对铸件缩松缩孔的影响。 试验结果表明,当充型速度 35 mm/s,浇注温度 690 ℃,上模具
预热温度 370 ℃,下模具预热温度 340 ℃时,转向器阀壳体内部缩松缩孔铸造缺陷基本消除。
The structure of the valve shell of the steering gear was analyzed. According to the technological requirements of low pressure casting, two kinds of gating systems were designed, and their numerical simulation was carried out. After analyzing the defects, the better scheme was selected and the structure was improved. The effects of filling speed, pouring temperature, preheating temperature of upper die and preheating temperature of lower die on shrinkage porosity and porosity of casting were studied by using Taguchi orthogonal DOE method and SNR analysis. The results show that when the filling speed is 35 mm/s, the casting temperature is 690 ℃, the preheating temperature of the upper die is 370 ℃, and the preheating temperature of the lower die is 340 ℃, the casting defects of shrinkage cavity and porosity in the valve shell of the steering gear are basically eliminated.