当前位置:首页 > 过刊浏览->2021年42卷第4期
大应变轧制和均匀化处理对 Mg-4Sn-1Mn 合金 力学性能和阻尼性能的影响
Effect of Heavy Strain Rolling and Homogenization on Mechanical and Damping Properties of Mg-4Sn-1Mn Alloy
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- 作者:
- 张 昊 1 ,冯旭辉 2 ,孙有平 2 ,万斯雨 2 ,冯旭煌 3
ZHANG Hao1 , FENG Xuhui2 , SUN Youping2 , WAN Siyu2 , FENG Xuhuang3
- 作者单位:
- 1.长沙学院 机电工程学院,湖南 长沙 410022;2.广西科技大学 机械与交通工程学院,广西 柳州 545006;3 浙江理工大 学 纺织工程与科学学院,浙江 杭州 310018
1. School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Changsha University, Changsha 410022, China; 2. School of Mechanical and Traffic Engineering, Guangxi University of Science and Technology, Liuzhou 545006, China; 3. School of Textile Engineering and Science, Zhejiang Science Technology University, Hangzhou 310018, China
- 关键词:
- 镁合金;显微组织;阻尼行为;硬度
magnesium alloy; microstructure; damping behavior; hardness
- 摘要:
- 采用光学显微镜(OM)、维氏硬度、XRD、多功能内耗仪等,研究了各状态下的 TM41 镁合金的显微组织、硬
度和阻尼行为。 结果表明,铸态、均匀化和轧制态 TM41 镁合金显微组织主要由 α-Mg 和 Mg2Sn 相组成;铸态 TM41 合
金经均匀化处理后硬度改变不明显,但是大应变轧制后合金的硬度显著上升。 在温度 - 阻尼谱中,轧制态 TM41 合金具
有较低的临界点,均匀化态 TM41 合金具有较高的临界点。 铸态 TM41 合金的临界点不明显,轧制态的临界点是由于位
错脱钉导致的,均匀化的临界点是由于晶界滑动导致的。 由于铸态组织的第二相对晶界的钉扎作用,因此,临界点不明
显。 轧制态出现的阻尼峰为再结晶阻尼峰。
The microstructure, hardness and damping behavior of TM41 magnesium alloy were studied by optical microscope (OM), Vickers hardness, XRD and multifunctional internal friction apparatus. The results show that the microstructure of as-cast, homogenized and rolled TM41 Mg alloys are mainly composed of α-Mg and Mg2Sn phases. The hardness of as-cast TM41 alloy does not change obviously after homogenization, but the hardness increases significantly after large-strain rolling. In the temperature-damping spectrum, the rolled TM41 alloy has a lower critical point, and the homogenized TM41 alloy has a higher critical point. The critical point of as-cast TM41 alloy is not obvious, the critical point of rolled state is caused by dislocation and nail release, and the critical point of homogenization is caused by grain boundary sliding. The critical point is not obvious because of the second nailing action of the as-cast structure to the grain boundary. The damping peak of rolled state is recrystallization damping peak