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Study on Degassing Process of 25T-VD Furnace
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- DOI:
- 作者:
- 杨 攀,王高社,陈凤博,唐 成,刘 刚,韩永杰,朱保亮
YANG Pan, WANG Gaoshe, CHEN Fengbo, TANG Cheng, LIU Gang, HAN Yongjie, ZHU Baoliang
- 作者单位:
- 宝鸡石油机械有限公司 热工分公司,陕西 宝鸡 721002
Thermal Engineering Branch of Baoji Petroleum Machinery Co., Ltd., Baoji 721002, China
- 关键词:
- VD 真空精炼炉;浇注;气体含量;优化流程;生产周期
VD vacuum refining furnace; pouring; gas content; optimization process; production cycle
- 摘要:
- 对于[H]含量要求较少的产品而言,由于传统的电弧炉 +LF 炉的冶炼工艺对减少钢中气体含量的作用效果
不够明显,不能满足产品要求,为减少钢中气体含量,某公司冶炼车间特配备一台 25t-VD 真空精炼炉,根据炼钢和浇注
过程各阶段钢液中气体含量的变化,对 25t-VD 真空精炼炉脱气参数和工艺进行优化,最终实现了钢中气体含量[O]≤
For the products with less [H] content, the effect of the traditional smelting process of arc furnace+LF furnace on reducing the gas content in steel is not obvious which cannot meet the requirements of the products. A 25T-VD vacuum refining furnace is specially equipped in the smelting workshop of a company. The degassing parameters and process of the 25T-VD vacuum refining furnace are optimized according to the changes of gas content in molten steel in each stage of steelmaking and casting process, the goal of gas content in steel [N]≤60×10-4 %, [H]≤2×10-4 %, [O]≤30×10-4 % was finally achieved, which not only guaranteed the quality of the product, but also reduced the time of dehydrogenation in the later stage, to optimize the production process, save energy, shorten the production cycle.