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基于砂型(芯)3D 打印的阀门生产工艺实践
Valve Production Process Practice Base on 3D Mold (Core) Printing
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- DOI:
- 作者:
- 苏学虎
SU Xuehu
- 作者单位:
- 江苏万恒铸业有限公司,江苏 盐城 224000
Jiangsu Wanheng Casting Industry Co., Ltd., Yancheng 224000, China
- 关键词:
- 砂型 3D 打印;铸造工艺;截止阀
sand 3D printing; casting process; globe valve
- 摘要:
- 以阀门整体砂型(芯)为例,分别从打印设备、工艺制定、质量评定等环节阐述了 3D 打印在企业生产应用现
状,介绍了砂型 3D 打印在阀门砂型铸造中的应用。 结果表明,3D 砂型(芯)表面光洁,模型存在阶梯效应,砂型强度满足
生产需求。 运用 3DP 技术结合铸造工艺,生产了材质为 Z3CN20-09M,6J300 核级截止阀,铸件尺寸精度和表面质量良
好,经 RT、PT 检测均合格,验证了工艺的可行性。
Taking the whole valve sand mold (core) as an example, the current situation of 3D printing in the production of enterprises from the aspects of printing equipment, process formulation, quality assessment, etc. were expounded, and the application of 3D printing in valve sand mold casting was introduced. The results show that the surface of the 3D sand mold (core) is smooth, the model has the step effect, and the strength of the sand mold meets the production demand. Using 3DP technology and casting process, the material of Z3CN20-09M, 6J300 nuclear globe valve is produced. The casting dimensional accuracy and surface quality are good. The RT and PT test are qualified, which verifies the feasibility of the process.