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Development of a Low Temperature Cast Steel
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- 作者:
- 王高社,王平怀,张亚林,韩永杰,梁肖兵
WANG Gaoshe, WANG Pinghuai, ZHANG Yalin, HAN Yongjie, LIANG Xiaobing
- 作者单位:
- 宝鸡石油机械有限责任公司 热工分公司,陕西 宝鸡 721002
Hot Working Branch Company, Baoji Petroleum Machinery Co., Ltd., Baoji 721002, China
- 关键词:
- 石油钻机;低温铸钢;回火索氏体;低温冲击韧度
oil-drilling rig; low temperature cast steel; tempered sorbite; cryogenic impact toughness
- 摘要:
- 针对 API 8C 对石油钻机提升设备的性能要求,设计了一种含 Cr、Ni、Mo 的低合金低温铸钢。 结果表明,通
过铸造过程质量控制和不同的热处理工艺措施,得出该钢经 900 ℃淬火及 650 ℃回火热处理后,组织为典型的回火索
氏体,-20 ℃冲击功达到了 90 J,-45 ℃冲击功达到了 48 J。 在此条件下,该钢表现出优良的室温力学性能和较高的低温
A low alloy and low temperature cast steel containing Cr, Ni and Mo was designed to meet the performance requirements of API 8C for oil rig hoisting equipment. The results show that through the quality control of the casting process and different heat treatment process measures, the structure of the steel after 900 ℃ quenching +650 ℃ tempering heat treatment is typical tempering sorbite, the impact energy of -20 ℃ reaches 90 J, -45 ℃ impact energy reaches 48 J. Under these conditions, the steel shows excellent mechanical properties at room temperature and high impact toughness at low temperature, which meets the material properties required for lifting equipment of oil drilling RIGS.