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Research Status of Alloy Elements in Aluminum Alloy for Automobile Structure Parts Castings
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- 作者:
- 张海涛, 何 昊,尹 纲,郭凯敏,白 杰
ZHANG Haitao, HE Hao, YIN Gang, GUO Kaimin, BAI Jie
- 作者单位:
- 东北大学 材料电磁过程研究教育部重点实验室,辽宁 沈阳 110819
Key Lab of Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, Ministry of Education, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China
- 关键词:
- 合金元素;汽车结构件;Al-Si 系铸造铝合金;Al-Mg 系铸造铝合金
alloy elements; automobile structural parts; Al Si cast aluminum alloy; Al Mg cast aluminum alloy
- 摘要:
- 汽车结构件常用铸造铝合金主要分为 Al-Si 系和 Al-Mg 系,综述了添加合金元素提高合金性能的常用手
段。 对于 Al-Si 系铸造铝合金,Si 不仅可以提高铸造性能,还可以抑制针状 Al5FeSi 相的形成;Mg 和 Cu 是主要的强化元
素,可以形成 Mg2Si 相、Al2Cu 相和 Q-Al5Cu2Mg8Si6 相;Mn 和 Mo 主要抑制针状富铁相生成;V、Ti 和 Zr 可以细化晶粒,
从而提高力学性能。 对于 Al-Mg 系铸造铝合金,当 Si 含量较高时,如 Magsimal誖-plus(AlMg6Si2MnZr)合金,Mg2Si 相
为主要强化相,为了避免针状富铁相的生成,Fe 含量要求极低;当 Fe 含量较高时,如 Castaduct誖-42(AlMg4Fe2)合金,
主要依靠 Mg 元素固溶在 Al 基体,并形成 Al-Fe 共晶相提高合金强度,Si 元素为杂质元素,可以减少针状 Al-Fe-Si 相的
The cast aluminum alloys commonly used in automobile structural parts were mainly divided into Al-Si and Al-Mg systems. The common methods of adding alloying elements to improve the properties of alloys were reviewed. For Al-Si cast aluminum alloy, Si can not only improve the casting property, but also inhibit the formation of needle-like Al5FeSi phase. Mg and Cu were the main strengthening elements, which can form Mg2Si phase, Al2Cu phase and Q-Al5Cu2Mg8Si6 phase. Mn and Mo mainly inhibited the formation of acicular iron-rich phase. V, Ti and Zr can refine the grain and improve the mechanical properties. For Al-Mg cast aluminum alloys, when Si content is high, such as MagSimal 誖-Plus (AlMg6Si2MnZr) alloy, Mg2Si phase was the main strengthening phase, in order to avoid the formation of acicular iron-rich phase, Fe content was very low. When Fe content was high, such as Castaduct誖-42 (AlMg4Fe2) alloy, it mainly relies on Mg element solid solution in Al matrix, and forms Al-Fe eutectic phase to improve the alloy strength. Si element was impurity element, which can reduce the formation of acicular Al-Fe-Si phase.