当前位置:首页 > 过刊浏览->2022年43卷第6期
搭接率与二次重熔对激光熔覆石墨/铜自润滑 复合材料组织的影响
Effect of Lap Ratio and Secondary Cladding on Laser Cladding Graphite/Copper Self-lubricating Composite
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- 作者:
- 缪喆宇1,高义民1,王怡然1,范轶磊1,亓云飞2,高尚君2,姚宏强2
MIAO Zheyu1, GAO Yimin1, WANG Yiran1, FAN Yilei1, QI Yunfei2, GAO Shangjun2, YAO Hongqiang2
- 作者单位:
- 1.西安交通大学 金属强度国家重点实验室,材料科学与工程学院,陕西 西安710049;2.中铁宝桥集团有限公司,陕西 宝鸡721006
1. State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China; 2. China Railway Baoji Bridge Group Co., Ltd., Baoji 721006, China
- 关键词:
- 铜基自润滑复合材料;激光熔覆;搭接率;二次重熔
copper-graphite self-lubricating composite; laser cladding; lap ratio; secondary cladding
- 摘要:
In order to improve the smoothness of the cladding layer of graphite/copper self-lubricating material, the effect of laser cladding lap ratio on the smoothness of the cladding layer and the improvement effect of secondary remelting treatment on the cladding layer were investigated. The results show that the laser lap ratio of 75% is not suitable for the actual processing parameters. When the lap ratio of laser cladding is 50% or 25%, continuous dense cladding layer can be obtained. When the lap ratio of 50% is suitable for a single cladding with large thickness, continuous dense cladding layer of a certain thickness can be produced at one time. The lap ratio of 25% is suitable for multiple laser cladding to produce a continuous dense cladding layer with smaller thickness but better relative flatness, which is convenient to bond the subsequent cladding material and avoid the influence of the thickness difference of cladding material in different parts on the cladding layer. The secondary remelting treatment can effectively reduce the height drop of the cladding layer.