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Study on Microstructures and Properties of Aluminum/Copper Bimetal Composite Prepared by Solid-liquid Compound Casting
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- 作者:
- 叶中飞1,吕中宾1,卢 明1,江鸿翔2,李世欣2,李彦强2,赵九洲2,何 杰2,张丽丽2
YE Zhongfei1, LV Zhongbin1, LU Ming1, JIANG Hongxiang2, LI Shixin2, LI Yanqiang2, ZHAO Jiuzhou2, HE
- 作者单位:
- 1. 国网河南省电力公司电力科学研究院, 河南 郑州 450052; 2.中国科学院金属研究所, 师昌绪先进材料创新中心, 辽宁 沈阳 110016
1. Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Henan Electric Power Company, Zhengzhou 450052, China; 2. Shi-changxu Innovation Center for Advanced Materials, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016, China
- 关键词:
- 固-液复合铸造;铝/铜复合材料;组织;性能
solid-liquid compound casting; Al/Cu bimetal composite; microstructures; properties
- 摘要:
利用固-液复合铸造法制备Al-Mg-Si合金与Cu-Cr-Zr合金的复合材料,对Al-Mg-Si/Cu-Cr-Zr双金属复合材料的组织及性能进行表征分析。结果表明,复合材料中铝合金侧主要由α-Al基体和(Mg,Si)相组成,铜合金侧主要由铜基体和富Cr相组成;复合材料界面过渡层厚度约5~10 μm,主要由铜和铝元素组成,过渡层中未见明显的析出相。随着复合材料中铜合金侧厚度的增加,材料的抗拉强度提高;随着环境温度的降低,铝/铜复合材料的抗拉强度先增大再减小;当环境温度为零下30 ℃,复合材料的抗拉强度约390 MPa。
The Al-Mg-Si/Cu-Cr-Zr bimetal composite was prepared by solid-liquid composite casting. The microstructures and properties of Al-Mg-Si/Cu-Cr-Zr bimetallic composites were characterized and analyzed. The results show that the aluminum alloy side of the bimetal composite is mainly composed of α-Al matrix and (Mg,Si) phase. The copper alloy side is mainly composed of copper matrix and Cr rich phase. The interfacial transition layer of the bimetal composites is 5-10 μm thick and mainly composed of copper and aluminum elements. No obvious precipitates are found in the transition layer. The tensile strength of the bimetal composite increases with the increase of copper alloy side thickness. With the decrease of ambient temperature, the tensile strength of Al/Cu bimetal composites increases first and then decreases. When the ambient temperature is -30 ℃, the tensile strength of the bimetal composite is about 390 MPa.