当前位置:首页 > 过刊浏览->2025年46卷第1期
Casting Process Design and Simulation of Suspension Beam Casting
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- DOI:
- 作者:
- 孙祥广,秦 程,韩庆翔,张宪华,周正寿
SUNXiangguang, QIN Cheng, HAN Qingxiang, ZHANG Xianhua, ZHOU Zhengshou
- 作者单位:
- 江苏恒立液压股份有限公司常州铸造分公司,江苏常州213164
Changzhou Casting Branch, Jiangsu Hengli Hydraulic Co., Ltd., Changzhou 213164, China
- 关键词:
- 数值模拟;悬架梁;缺陷;工艺优化
numerical simulation; suspension beam; defect; process optimization
- 摘要:
- 传统的风力发电铸件主要以低牌号低延伸的球铁件为主。随着时代的快速发展,风力发电铸件催生了高伸 长率的性能要求。本文以QT500-14为研究对象,使用MAGMA模拟软件对风电悬架梁铸件进行铸造工艺设计,通过增 加冷铁的方式对工艺进行优化。 经铸件解剖和超声探伤验证,铸件内部缩松缩孔缺陷满足技术要求。 通过优化C、Si和 Mn 等关键元素,金相和力学性能均满足技术要求,成功开发QT500-14球墨铸铁风电悬架梁。Traditionally, low-grade and low-elongation ductile nodular iron is the major material used for wind power castings. With the rapid development of the times, high elongation is required for wind power castings. This paper principally focused on the material QT500-14 as the research target, employing MAGMA simulation software to devise the casting process for wind power suspension beam castings and optimizing the process through the addition of chills. After dissection and ultrasonic testing, the internal shrinkage porosity and shrinkage hole defects of the casting fulfil the technical criteria. By optimizing crucial elements such as C, Si and Mn, both the metallographic and mechanical properties satisfy the technical criteria, thereby successfully developing the QT500-14 ductile iron wind power suspension beam.