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莫来石纤维含量对激光选区烧结结合真空浸渗 制备二氧化硅陶瓷型芯性能的影响
Effect of Mullite Fiber Content on the Properties of Silica Ceramic Cores Prepared by Selective Laser Sintering Combined with Vacuum Infiltration
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- 作者:
- 刘 珩1,2,刘翰帝1,2,张任重1,2,吴甲民1,2,3,闫春泽 1,2,文世峰 1,2,陈超越
LIU Heng1,2, LIU Handi1,2, ZHANG Renzhong1,2, WU Jiamin1,2,3, YAN Chunze1,2, WEN Shifeng1,2, CHENC
- 作者单位:
- 1. 华中科技大学材料科学与工程学院材料加工与模具技术全国重点实验室,湖北武汉430074;2.增材制造陶瓷材料 教育部工程研究中心,湖北武汉430074;3.温州HUST先进制造研究所微波通信材料与设备重点实验室,浙江温州 325035;4. 上海大学材料科学与工程学院省部共建高品质特殊钢冶金与制备国家重点实验室,上海200444
1. State Key Laboratory of Materials Processing and Die & Mold Technology, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China; 2. Engineering Research Center of Ceramic Materials for Additive Manufacturing, Ministry of Education, Wuhan 430074, China; 3. Wenzhou Key Laboratory of Microwave Communication Materials and Devices, Wenzhou Advanced Manufacturing Institute of HUST, Wenzhou 325035, China; 4. State Key Laboratory of Advanced Special Steels, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China
- 关键词:
- SiO2陶瓷型芯;激光选区烧结技术;真空浸渗工艺;莫来石纤维;力学性能
SiO2 ceramic cores; selective laser sintering; vacuum infiltration; mullite fiber contents; mechanical properties.
- 摘要:
- 二氧化硅(SiO2 )陶瓷型芯热膨胀系数低、烧结温度低,具有优异的酸碱浸出能力,是生产涡轮空心叶片的必 要材料。传统工艺在成形陶瓷型芯时受到模具限制,部分复杂结构陶瓷型芯甚至难以制造,生产高质量复杂结构陶瓷型 芯面临挑战。采用激光选区烧结技术(SLS)和真空浸渗工艺(VI)相结合的方法制备SiO2陶瓷型芯。应用莫来石纤维作为 增强相,分析了莫来石纤维对SiO2晶粒烧结过程的干扰及其在层间的堆积所引发的分层现象,阐明了莫来石纤维含量 对SLS-VI 制备 SiO2陶瓷型芯性能的影响规律,探究出当纤维含量为1%(质量分数)时陶瓷型芯综合性能最好,孔隙率 为31.16%,室温抗弯强度为15.23MPa,高温抗弯强度为22.91MPa。Silicon dioxide (SiO2 ) ceramic cores are essential for manufacturing turbine hollow blades because of their low thermal expansion coefficient, low sintering temperature, and excellent acid-base leaching resistance. The traditional process is limited by the use of molds when forming ceramic cores. Some complex structural ceramic cores are even difficult to manufacture, and the production of high-quality complex structural ceramic cores is challenging. In this study, SiO2 ceramic cores were prepared via a combination of selective laser sintering (SLS) and vacuum infiltration (VI) techniques. Mullite fibers were used as the reinforcing phase, the interference of mullite fibers on the sintering process of SiO2 grains and the delamination phenomenon caused by the accumulation between layers were then analysed, and the influence of the mullite fiber content on the properties of the SiO2 ceramic core prepared by SLS-VI was clarified. The comprehensive performance of the ceramic core is the best when the fiber content is 1 wt.%, with a porosity of 31.16%, a flexural strength at room temperature of 15.23 MPa, and a flexural strength at high temperature of 22.91 MPa.