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304 不锈钢No.1表面黑带缺陷研究与控制实践
Lamination Defects Research and Control Practice on the No.1 Surfaces of 304 Stainless Steel
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- DOI:
- 作者:
- 王徐皇,李剑颖,王 鑫
WANGXuhuang, LIJianying, WANG Xin
- 作者单位:
- 印尼广青镍业有限公司制造技术部,印度尼西亚苏拉维西94974
Manufacturing Technology Department of PT Indonesia Guang Ching Nickel and Stainless Steel Industry, Sulawesi Tengah 94974, Indonesia
- 关键词:
- 不锈钢;连铸工艺;黑带缺陷;卷渣;浸入式水口
stainless steel; continuous casting process; lamination defect; slag coiling; submerged entry nozzle
- 摘要:
- 针对304奥氏体不锈钢No.1表面的黑带缺陷,使用SEM及EDS进行了微观形貌及成分分析,结合结晶 器内流场行为,明确了该缺陷的来源为渣钢卷混。 在304不锈钢生产实践中,通过在连铸工序控制浸入式水口选型、限 定水口插入深度、稳定拉坯速度等措施稳定了钢液浇铸过程中结晶器内的液面,有效降低了卷渣几率;并在后续工序中 加强了铸坯表面质量检验、优化了除鳞工艺等,进一步降低了黑带缺陷整体降级率。 最终,304不锈钢No.1黑带缺陷发 生率整体由改善前的15.0%降低至3.0%以下。Scanning electron micrope (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) were used to analyse the microstructural morphology and composition of lamination defects on the No.1 surface of 304 austenitic stainless steel. Combined with the study of the flow behavior inside the crystallizer, the defect was identified as being caused by slag coiling during the casting process. In the production of 304 stainless steel, measures such as controlling the selection of the submerged entry nozzle, limiting the insertion depth, and stabilizing the casting speed in the continuous casting process are implemented to stabilize the level of molten steel in the crystallizer, effectively reducing the likelihood of slag coiling. In subsequent processes, the surface quality inspection of the cast slabs is enhanced, and the descaling process is optimized, further lowering the overall downgrading rate caused by lamination defects. Ultimately, the occurrence rate of lamination defects on No. 1 304 stainless steel decreases from 15.0% to below 3.0%.