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沉降加过滤去除回收铝罐料中 Fe 杂质工艺研究
Research on the Process of Sedimentation Add Filtration to Remove FeImpurities from Recycled Aluminium Cans
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- 作者:
- 崔俊豪 1,2,肖 涌 1,2,王向杰 1,2,崔建忠 1,2,李 磊 1,2
CUI Junhao1,2, XIAO Yong1,2, WANG Xiangjie1,2, CUI Jianzhong1,2, LI Lei1,2
- 作者单位:
- 1. 东北大学 材料电磁过程研究教育部重点实验室,辽宁 沈阳 110819;2. 东北大学 材料科学与工程学院,辽宁 沈阳110819
1. Key Laboratory for Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, Ministry of Education, Northeastern University, Shenyang110819, China; 2. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, China
- 关键词:
- 回收铝罐料;沉降+过滤;富 Fe 相;除 Fe 率
recycled aluminium cans; sedimentation+filtration; Fe-rich phase; iron removal rate
- 摘要:
- 废铝回收再利用可极大节约能源,但由于多种原因其回收时往往会混入杂质 Fe 元素,从而极大损害铝合金力学性能。 因此, 开发一种有效再生铝除 Fe 技术对于推动废铝回收行业的发展具有重要意义。 本文以含 Fe 量为1.4%(质量分数)的回收铝罐料为研究对象,通过添加 Mn、Si 元素在熔体中形成粗大 All5(Fe, Mn)3Si2 相,进而采用沉降+过滤工艺对其进行除 Fe 研究。 结果表明,当向铝熔体中添加 2.98%Mn 和 7.89%Si(质量分数),且在 630 ℃保温沉降 15 min 后进行过滤,可获得最佳除 Fe 效果,其沉降除 Fe 率和过滤除 Fe 率分别达到 64.5%、68.8%。微观组 织 分 析 表 明,沉降可去除坩埚底部偏聚的大量枝晶状 All5(Fe, Mn)3Si2 相,过滤可去除熔体上部存有的少量块状All5(Fe, Mn)3Si2 相;上部熔体经过滤后,陶瓷过滤片中残留一定量的块状 All5(Fe, Mn)3Si2 相,而熔体中则含有少量的 鱼骨状All5(Fe, Mn)3Si2 相。Recycling and reusing scrap aluminium can greatly save energy. However, for a variety of reasons, the impurityFe is often mixed during recovery, which greatly deteriorates the mechanical properties of aluminium alloys. Therefore,developing an effective Fe removal technology for recycled aluminium is highly important for promoting the developmentof the scrap aluminium recycling industry. In this study, recycled aluminium cans with an Fe content of 1.4 wt.% weretaken as the research object. By adding Mn and Si, a coarse All5(Fe, Mn)3Si2 phase was formed in the melt, and then, Feremoval was investigated via a sedimentation+filtration process. The results show that the best Fe removal effect is obtainedby adding 2.98 wt.% Mn and 7.89 wt.% Si to the aluminium melt and then filtering after being kept at 630 ℃ for 15 min.The Fe removal rates by sedimentation and filtration can reach 64.5% and 68.8% , respectively. Microstructure analysisreveals that sedimentation removes a large amount of the dendritic All5(Fe, Mn)3Si phase segregated at the bottom of thecrucible, and filtration removes a small amount of the block-like All5(Fe, Mn)3Si phase in the upper part of the melt. Afterthe upper melt is filtered, a certain amount of the block-like All5(Fe, Mn)3Si phase remains in the ceramic filter, whereas asmall amount of the fishbone-shaped All5(Fe, Mn)3Si phase is contained in the melt.