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激光粉末床熔融成形Ti60合金的工艺优化和 组织性能研究
Research on the Processing Optimization, Microstructure, and Properties of Ti60 Alloy Fabricated via Laser Powder Bed Fusion
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- 作者:
- 周 凡1,2,吴 凡1,2,冯 喆1,2,王永霞1,2,彭艺杰1,2,党铭吉1,2,张 哲1,2, 谭 华1,2,张凤英3,林 鑫1,2
ZHOUFan1,2, WU Fan1,2, FENG Zhe1,2, WANG Yongxia1,2, PENG Yijie1,2, DANG Mingji1,2, ZHANGZhe1,2, TAN Hua1,2, ZHANG Fengying3, LIN Xin1,2
- 作者单位:
- 1. 西北工业大学凝固技术国家重点实验室,陕西西安710072;2.西北工业大学金属高性能增材制造与创新设计工业 和信息化部重点实验室,陕西西安710072;3.长安大学材料科学与工程学院,陕西西安710064
1. State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China; 2. MIIT Key Laboratory of Metal High Performance Additive Manufacturing and Innovative Design, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China; 3. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710064, China
- 关键词:
- 激光粉末床熔融;Ti60合金;工艺优化;显微组织;力学性能
laser powder bed fusion; Ti60 alloy; processing optimization; microstructure; mechanical properties
- 摘要:
- Ti60合金具有较高的比强度且能长时间在600℃高温条件下服役,利用激光粉末床熔融(LPBF)技术成形 Ti60 合金有望满足航空航天等领域关键构件耐高温和轻量化的需求。 系统研究了工艺参数对LPBF成形Ti60合金致 密度、显微组织和显微硬度的影响规律,并在此基础上对其室温拉伸和高温拉伸性能进行评价。 结果表明,LPBF成形 Ti60 合金的显微组织主要为细针状α′马氏体, 这种组织的平均厚度与体能量密度大小呈负相关性。 LPBF成形 Ti60 合金室温条件下的屈服强度为1164MPa、抗拉强度为1321MPa,伸长率为2.5%,600℃高温拉伸条件下屈服强 度为532MPa、抗拉强度为889MPa,伸长率为16%。Ti60 alloys have a high specific strength and can be in service at 600 ℃ for a long time. The preparation of Ti60 alloys by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) is expected to meet the needs of high-temperature resistance and the light weight of key components in aerospace. The influence of the basic processing parameters on the microstructure and microhardness of the Ti60 alloy was systematically studied, and the tensile properties of the Ti60 alloy at room temperature and high temperature were evaluated. The results show that the laser powder bed fusion processing parameters have obvious effects on the density, microstructure and microhardness of the Ti60 alloy. The microstructure of the Ti60 alloy in the deposition state is mainly fine acicular α′ martensite, and the average thickness is negatively correlated with the volumetric energy density. At room temperature, the yield strength of the Ti60 alloy is 1 164 MPa, the ultimate tensile strength is 1 321 MPa, and the elongation is 2.5%. At 600 ℃, the yield strength is 532 MPa, the ultimate tensile strength is 889 MPa, and the elongation is 16%.