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激光直接能量沉积 Ti6242S-0.75Ni-1.65Fe-0.05B 合金的组织及力学性能各向异性研究
Study on the Microstructure and Mechanical Property Anisotropy of Ti6242S-0.75Ni-1.65Fe-0.05B Alloy by Laser Direct Energy Deposition
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- 作者:
- 袁璐恺 1,2 ,王理林 1,2 ,丁汉林 1,2 ,薛爱堂 1,2 ,林 鑫 1,2 ,黄卫东 1
YUAN Lukai1,2, WANG Lilin1,2, DING Hanlin1,2, XUE Aitang1,2, LIN Xin1,2, HUANG Weidong1,2
- 作者单位:
- 1. 西北工业大学 凝固技术国家重点实验室,陕西 西安 710072;2. 西北工业大学 高性能金属增材制造工信部重点实验 室,陕西 西安 710072
1. State Key Laboratory of Solidification Processing, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China; 2. MIIT Key Laboratory of Metal High Performance Additive Manufacturing and Innovative Design, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
- 关键词:
- 激光直接能量沉积;成分调控;微观组织;力学性能;各向异性
laser direct energy deposition; composition regulation; microstructure; mechanical performance; anisotropy
- 摘要:
- 增材制造钛合金因具有外延生长的粗大柱状 β 晶而导致显著的力学各向异性。 合金成分调控作为实现增
存在全等轴化和良好塑性不可兼得的矛盾。不同于常规的单一元素合金化,本文借助相图计算,通过 Ni、Fe 和 B 的复合
添加,实现了激光直接能量沉积 Ti6242S-0.75Ni-1.65Fe-0.05B 合金 β 晶粒的等轴化,并避免了金属间化合物的形成。 室
温拉伸性能表明,沉积态 Ti6242S-0.75Ni-1.65Fe-0.05B 合金的力学性能各向异性被基本消除,且横纵方向的强度和塑
性均高于 Ti6242S 合金。
Due to the epitaxial growth of coarse columnar β grains, additive manufactured titanium alloys show significant mechanical anisotropy. Composition regulation is an important means to improve the anisotropy of additive manufactured titanium alloys through a columnar to equiaxed transition. Because of the precipitation of brittle intermetallic compounds, there exists a contradiction between fully equiaxed grains and good plasticity. Different from conventional single element alloying, the full-equiaxed β grains of Ti6242S-0.75Ni-1.65-Fe-0.05B alloy are achieved by laser direct energy deposition (DED) with additions of Ni, Fe and B elements through calphad, and the formation of intermetallic compounds is avoided. The tensile properties at room temperature show that the mechanical anisotropy of the Ti6242S-0.75-Ni-1.65Fe-0.05B alloy is basically eliminated, and the strength and plasticity of the Ti6242S-0.75-Ni-1.65Fe-0.05B alloy are higher than those of the Ti6242S alloy in the transverse and longitudinal directions.